Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why People Love the French...

It takes intelligence, stature and connections to be featured twice in Got Gingham.
4th August, 2011 (Montreal)--We love Gingham. French people wear Gingham, and particularly Quebecois, so therefore it follows that we also love French people and Les Québécois. So no introduction necessary, here he is again for a repeat performance Nick Garnier St-Aubin. Remember his amazing appearance back in June during the pre-heatwave heatwave? We've come along way since then. Check out this fine-point Marseille Blue Gingham Boater he wears for his serious job in the corporate world. Here he is cooling out before going out there and getting things done. May he be an example to all of us.

Schwarz the Musical Attracts Gingham Audience

"If you want me, you can find me, left of centre off 'a the strip. In my Gingham."

Vegetarians might not be aware of the successful Musical Theatre production Schwartz--based on the story of the famous smoked-meat hangout. But those wearing Gingham were heading to it in full force last week for opening night. Within seconds of this shot being taken the most frightening thunderstorm broke out and turned this street into a torrent straight out of a Crocodile Dundee Movie, or something.

 Meanwhile, outback in Vancouver:

Look--a lightning rod in front of the famous BC HYDRO Grauer Electric substation on Burrard Street.

Hats off to our friends who used to run The Eyeline who still have tons of Gingham to getcha going.

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