Monday, October 24, 2011

Gingham Proves Geniune Hallmark of Good Upbringing

Chad off the old block: Gingham doesn't fall far from the tree.

24th October, 2011 (Montreal) Told you we'd be getting more and more indoor shots now that the sun is paying more attention to them down South.
Here we are in the warm heart of Santropol Roulant [see here] the world-renowned community outfit that combines Meals-on-Wheels with all sorts of other progressive maneouvres like roof-top gardening, inter-generational support, sustainable urban development and general all-round good feelings. Fact is, people come from around the world to study the way Santropol Roulant functions, using it as a model for their own organizations who want to instill that rare form of magic that give the Roulant its special edge in attracting volunteers, engagement and success. There are actually university theses out there written by students describing this lot, trying to analyze the ingredients of what makes a community come alive in such a way as the one that surrounds Santropol.
But why go to all that trouble of doing a PhD on the subject? Isn't it obvious? Here we see Chad-- the Roulant's Executive Director, standing with his dad Richard, and the link becomes self-evident. Chad is wearing a Fine-Hatch Blue and White Gingham Rainmaker next to his Dad who's got his own Grey and White Railroad-Style Gingham Two-Toner.
You cannot stop progress (because otherwise, it's not progress anymore, it's inertia). Nor can you buy style. You have to inherit it. (Or you have to be adopted at a very young age otherwise the special transmission of information and know-how cannot take place). Right here, Richard is a perfect example of how to administer a proper upbringing: a warm smile, a wide heart and a bunch of patient forgiveness is probably what made Chad turn out so OK. And right here, Chad is the perfect example of how to carry a torch to the next level of development for the folks at Santropol Roulant. Got any doubts? The proof of this is in the Gingham.

Gingham on wheels making a meal of it

Foot power saves fuel.

One less car, one more Gingham Getter.
NYC-style Gingham on wheels.

Josh's Got Gingham!
It's a long way to the top if you ain't got Gingham.

Meet Josh. I found him and his band-mates practicing for their big Montreal gig across from Patiti-Patata on Rue Rachel. There is no way to convey the sounds I was hearing. But that's not what I was there for: check out his Forty-five he probably brought with him from some exotic outpost on the road.

Got Gingham? Send it to

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