Drop-shadow Gingham is being peddled as the Genuine Article to unsuspecting Newbies. |
Hip to hip-sisters but are they Hip to the Gingham? |
For instance take the fact there will always be a Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, something which the fashion industry won't let you forget. Yet in amongst all the hoopla of promoting one trend over another over the course of a cycle, no matter what you do to it, you cannot change Gingham. As soon as you adulterate the pattern with a pinstripe or drop-shadow it becomes plaid. As soon as you start adding marmalade it becomes tartan. Which means, like others in recovery, we must also accept the things we cannot change.
It is for this reason how Gingham has become a symbol of elemental purity, aspirational comfort and a basic standard of common sense. Notice how it can also be worn in all four seasons. Plus ça change... but not Gingham.
Got Gingham, and even has the bag strap that's now so in. |
Raining champion of Gingham Street Style:
Gingham makes umbrellas superfluous. |
You won't find this down the Army Surplus:
Is it a tree? Is it a bench? Gingham is perfect camouflage. |
Red backpack adds to innovative ensemble:
Hats are back in circulation. Gingham has always been. |
If your Gingham has pinstripes or drop-shadows, being gorgeous might just save you. |
Got any gingham? Send your gets to gotgingham@gmail.com
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